Meine Weltreise fand auf der Expo 2020 in Dubai statt. 196 Länder und Organisationen haben sich dort präsentiert, abhängig von der wirtschaftlichen Stärke des Landes in eigenen, großen Pavillons oder in kleineren Ausstellungsräumen. Weltausstellungen gibt es schon seit 1851. Zu Beginn waren die ausstellenden Länder unter einem Dach versammelt und haben dort ihre wirtschaftlichen Leistungsfähigkeit und bahnbrechende Erfindungen gezeigt.
In den vergangenen Wochen hab ich ein paar Bücher gelesen und ich dachte, ich schreib mal drüber weil ich oft gefragt werde "Kannst du mir ein Buch empfehlen?"
At this time of year, Fitou is a little sleepy. On the one hand, that's nice, but on the other hand, a little action couldn't hurt.
And so we decided to organise a Christmas market in our art gallery.
I asked some artist friends if they would be interested in taking part. They were :-)
We had beautiful ceramics, jewellery creations, Isabell painted beautiful Christmas cards and I tried out some new painting techniques for this occasion.
I once jokingly said I paint with everything I come across. That is indeed the case.
Experimenting with materials and combining them in an unusual way often results in unforeseen effects. I like to combine materials which are usually not used for painting, like to mix rough and fine ones and let them interact.
When traveling in China in 2019 I had the opportunity to get a very short introduction into Chinese calligraphy and traditionell Chinese painting at the Tang Bo Art Museum Xian. It was a rainy afternoon and the hotel receptionist recommended this museum as a must see to better understand Chinese art. We were the only visitors and the museum guide was happy to welcome two interested visitors. Our very detailed private tour ended in something like a classroom where we learned about ancient, traditionell and modern Chinese writing.