For some people, behind each number stands a colour, some connect feelings, music, text or even rooms with colours. This is called synesthesia and it means the mixing of sensations.
The colours are different for each person, but always the same per person.
During my further professional education as a transactional analyst, I’ve noticed that I often describe feelings in colours.
For Hagen each number has one colour, some numbers / colours he likes, some not. Some colours he can exactly describe, for others he has just a diffuse notion of a certain green or blue.
I asked him about the colours for 0-9 and checked his assignments at longer intervals: it was always the same. I got the idea to paint these numbers. So far so good.
It was not easy to create the exact colours he has in his mind.
I was trying for a long time to mix his green, blue and red-blacks until the colours matched with his imaginations. Challenging was also that I produced the paint by myself, trying old techniques to produce paint. In this case I mixed pigments, water and eggs! Our egg consumption was enormous 🙂
Currently, I am still working on number 1, 3 and 5, all pictures will be ready to the vernissage next Friday.