It seems that we have a ten years rhythm for big changes.
We founded our consulting company in 1997 in Germany and its been ten years we established cocoate in France.
June 2017
Purple is the subtle intermediate between red and blue, balancing the energetic power and extroversion of red and the calming, analytical blue.
For a long time in human history, it was the colour of the royal dynasties, often associated with mystical phenomenons and worn by catholic bishops. It stands for wisdom, magic and extravagance and is loved by creative people.
When looking in the wardrobe, it seems to be one of my favorite my colours. Those who know me are free to choose from the attributes above why it might be so 😉
Es war eine last-minute Entscheidung auf die Art Basel zu fahren, ich wurde sozusagen von meinem Liebsten ein wenig geschubst, diese Messe zu besuchen. Er meinte, es würde mir gut tun, ich bräuchte einen Überblick was in der Art Welt so angesagt ist und sollte mal schauen, wie der Kunstmarkt so funktioniert.
Er brauchte nicht wirklich viel Überzeugungskraft 😉
While preparing the opening of the ART Fabrik I was also working on two new paintings.
One, a bluish-green combination of different shades of green and blue pigments to create a light, sunny feeling when looking at it. I got inspired by the colours I see when wake up every morning and watch the sky where it meets some almond trees. Unfortunately, I could not take a very good picture of it as it was sold immediately after the opening of our ART Fabrik. The pic above shows it.