For some people, behind each number stands a colour, some connect feelings, music, text or even rooms with colours. This is called synesthesia and it means the mixing of sensations.
The colours are different for each person, but always the same per person.
June 2016
I am trying all sorts of old painting techniques and experimenting with colors and materials, and of course I want to show the results of my work. This website, in association with social media activities are one way, but art needs to be seen and experienced live.
We have a nice, big, empty space that has served us until some time ago as an office. And we live in an area where many people spend their vacation. It’s nearly so obvious to open an art gallery.
Rush, hurry up to get the subway, the bus, the plane, be on time at the office.
Countless phone calls, talking to employees and customers, power struggles.
In between eating a bit, little fresh air, always under time pressure.
Fast organizing a few personal things. Shopping food online, something healthy, if possible.
Even more quickly, make a little sport.
Getting back home, tired.
Hardly time to breathe, few highlights.
With these thoughts in mind I painted Everyday Life.
The paintings I create arise in my mind and I do not always exactly how it turns out on the canvas.
It just happens. Of course, I have an idea, a thought, a memory, but how I then express it with colours is a more or less unconscious process. The picture becomes it’s meaning during the process of painting.
It is my meaning, because it is how I see the world from my subjective point of view.