A few weeks ago, I attended a workshop about nomadic life scripts and how nomads create a sense of identity.
Not that I considered myself a nomad but I was interested in learning about how nomads fulfill their need to belong.
I abstexperimented with lots of colours and intuitively, I limited myself to shades of maximal two colours in one painting.
In my last paintings I even only used nuances of one colour. This reduction arises from my desire to recognize the essentials, to clear out all the buzz until the core of a thing is visible to me.
It’s a difficult thing with colors, they are for me as complex as emotions and thus a constant challenge to make the essential visible by applying many layers of paint, quite the contrary to analysing something.
Wer heute als schön gilt wird morgen kaum noch zum Putzen bestellt. (Karl Lagerfeld)
Ich war auf der Weltkonferenz der Transaktionsanalytiker und der letzte Workshop, den ich dort besucht habe hatte den Titel
The beauty of aging – between experiencing one’s limits and developing self-acceptance. (Die Schönheit des Alterns – eigene Grenzen erfahren und Selbstakzeptanz entwickeln).
Blue again.
Don’t ask me why.
It’s just about sitting at beach, watching the sea and the sky, listening to the waves, philosophising, dreaming into infinity, sleeping away, waking up refreshed and energised.
It sounds
It rustles
It echoes
It reverberates
It sparkles
It smells
And becomes devoutly singing blue.
The blue fades to light.Hans Arp: Singing Blue