Seit ich vor einem halben Jahr beschlossen hatte, die Geschichte unserer Familie aufzuschreiben, war mir nicht klar, wie aufwendig das sein würde.
Ich habe mittlerweile so viele Geschichten und von Familienmitgliedern gehört, die ich vorher noch nicht kannte, aber auch viele meiner Erinnerungen sind wieder wach geworden. Da geistert eine Menge in meinem Kopf herum und es ist richtig Arbeit, das alles zu ordnen.
November 2018
Between all the house restoration work, I had time to do another painting. When doing a full house restoration we really start from the bottom, removing everything what was added to the original structure of house, leaving us with bare walls, without floors and ceilings, left with the rough, basic foundation.
When we are done with our restoration work, a shiny and beautiful surface is visible and make people feel welcomed.
Space to store my paintings wasn’t a real problem as I nearly sold everything after a short while, but not all, of course 😉
Those paintings which are still with me I put back in big cartons and shuffled them around in our cave. But then, we had a water problem and it was just in the last-minute I rescued my paintings for being destroyed.